Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to Read the Whole Bible in One Year

Have you ever wanted to read through the Bible, but have been intimidated at its length? You can read through your Bible, and it will only take one year. It does take some consistency though. If you have fifteen to thirty minutes a day, you will be able to read through the Bible in a year.

1. Choose how you want to read through your Bible. The most common ways to read through the Bible are to read it straight through, or to read a little from the Old Testament and a little from the New Testament every day.

2. Find out whether you want to read a certain amount of chapters, or a certain amount of pages, every day. In general, if you read 3 chapters from the Old Testament and 1 chapter from the New Testament every day, you'll finish in a year, with a little bit of time to spare. It may be easier, however, to read a certain amount of pages per day. Dividing the amount of pages in your Bible by 365 will give you a good idea of how many pages you should be reading every day.

3. As an alternative to figuring out on your own how many pages you need to read in a day, you can use a Bible reading chart. Your church may have them available, or you can download them off the Internet. Most charts either go through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, or read a little from the Old and New Testaments each day. Some charts are divided by subject.

Tips and Warnings:
- Choose a version of the Bible that you're comfortable with. You may want to choose the version of the Bible that your church uses, or you may want to choose a translation that is easier to understand.
- Pick a time of day that works well for you. If your mornings are hectic, you may want to read at lunchtime, or at night. If you find yourself nodding off when you read at night, try to read earlier in the day.
- Consider listening to the Bible if you have trouble reading the Bible. If you drive or take the bus to work, you can listen to the Bible during your commute.

(Source: ehow.com)